Thursday, January 29, 2015


The test was more difficult than I imagined. I was expecting multiple choice, not fill in the blank. I was having a hard time with the geogeraphy. I could not remember the two rivers and the sea. i wish  had spent alot more time studying, and wrote better blogs. Oh well, at least the test was a pretty purple color. I finished pretty early, because it does not take as much time to guess as it does to recall what you learned. Another lesson learned;" just barely enough studying" is never enough.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5th dayf western civilization

Today in class was alot like last semester in Human Geogeraphy. We had a discussion going back and forth about the topic we were stuying. One person asked what they looked like, so Mr. Schick looked for pictures online, and they looked like a human with chimpanzee features. We reviewed for our first unit test on friday. I am not feeling too confident about it because it is alot of information crammed into two weeks. We got side tracked when Elle Perri asked about Christopher Columbus, an occurence 3,000 years later. Mr. Schick explained to us that in elementary school, we learned Christopher Columbus was a huge hero, but really he enslaved many Native Americans to obtain the land. I am excited to study for this test, and to see how difficult it will be to study for this test.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Friday, January 23, 2015

third day of western civilization

Today in class, we continued our notes from yesterday. I took some extra notes on Sumar, originally an area with furtile soil. I found it interesting that once the people learned about farming, they overfarmed sumar. Then sumar became desert. Now the area that was once Sumar is used for oil production. Once we finished taking notes, we looked up some of the laws that comprise Hammarabi's code. The class was shocked by how brutal the punishments were, however I was not. 200 years ago, the united states had slavery, and even more recent women were just gaining the right to vote. If things change that durrastically in 200 years,  imagine how terrible conditions were for some people thousands of years ago. Some of tthe laws were obsured, like if a woman cheated on her husband, she and the other man would be tied to eachother and put in the river  to drown.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

second day of western civilization!

Today was our second day of class, and we had a very productive day. This class doesn't seem to have the same fiery enthusiasm as our human geogeraphy class had, but hopefully that will change. The class started out with Mr. Schick showing us a post he made yesterday labeled "questions to consider". The answers to these questions will be helpful for the test, so I will be sure to study them this weekend. Mr. Schick taught using a power point, "from prehistory to civilization". It was a good lesson, due to its' fascinating content. I knew that humans first emerged in Africa, but it wowed me that modern day technolagy could pinpoint the first humans to Southwestern Africa. as I very much enjoyed today's lesson, I hope that we have the same curiosity in this class that we had last semester in Human Geogeraphy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

First day of western civ

Today was the first day of western cvilization, how exciting! I think that we will have equally fascinting discussions as last semester in human geo becuse the new students seem excited. Everyone was really bummed out about blogging every single day, but I would rather blog than do boring worksheets for homework. Some students had technical difficulties and were unable to set it up in class, mine was slow but it eventually worked. Although we will all miss Cody's enthusiasm and John's witty comments about americans, this will be a great semester in western civilization.